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  • Glen Providence

What's In a Sign?

What's in a sign you ask? Well, as it turns out, there is more than meets the eye. If you haven't yet, please check out the new Pine Hills marker sign located on W. Colonial Drive. If you are heading east on W. Colonial, the sign will be on the right between Suit City and the FedEx Print location near Sam's Club. While it may appear to many that the sign popped up overnight, its eventual placement was over three years in the making, according to Ken Dwyer, Co Chair of the Pine Hills Safe Neighborhood Partnership. The 7-foot-high aluminum sign is printed on aluminum, which will help ensure its vibrant colors remain for years. "You just can't pop a sign up in any street", states Dwyer. "It requires. The coordination of many government departments." Allison Rice, AICP, Planner III Planning Division with Orange County Government negotiated with staff at the Florida Department of Transportation so that we could get the sign. "We had to assure them that the sign would meet Florida Department of Transportation Standards for Safety." That process, which started in 2021, was funded by the Orange County Neighborhood Services Division with the help of Daniel Kilponen, who serves as a Chief Planner with the department. Efforts are underway to replace damaged signs, including one at the intersection of Pine Hills Rd. and Clarcona-Ocoee Rd.

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