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  • Glen Providence

Orange County Commissioners Vote to Advance Sales Tax Referendum to November Ballot

By a vote of four to three, Commissioners Christine Moore, Mayra Uribe, and Maribel Gomez Cordero joined Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings in voting to place a Transportation Sales Tax Referendum on the fall election ballot. This means that on November 8, 2022, when Orange County voters go to the polls, they will have the opportunity to decide if they want a one-cent sales tax increase that would be a dedicated funding source for transportation needs.

Mayor Demings, whose push for the sales tax referendum began in 2019, re-engaged residents earlier this year by creating open houses and launching an online survey to ensure Orange County’s transportation priorities in 2022 aligned with initial surveys. 19,000 residents responded to the survey, and 270 community meetings were held to gather resident transportation needs and feedback.

Respondents overwhelmingly stated traffic congestion is a big concern and want a better mass transit system for the community, as well as improved traffic signal technology, and pedestrian and bike safety.

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