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KNOW THIS! Pine Hills Road Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety Construction Project

Glen Providence

Construction has begun on the Pine Hills Road Pedestrian Safety project. The project, which will stem from Colonial Drive

on the south to Bonnie Brae Circle on the north end of the project, will address pedestrian and bicycle safety issues highlighted in a 2018 safety study. Some of the project highlights include:

• Reconstructing Pine Hills Rd. between Colonial Dr. and Bonnie Brae Circle with a raised median and dedicated left turn lanes.

• Widening the existing 5-foot wide sidewalk on the east side of the

road, to a 12-foot wide shared-use path from Silver Star Rd. to Bonnie Brae Circle as part of the Pine Hills Trail.

• Adding a 7-foot wide dedicated bike lane in each direction from Colonial Dr. to Silver Star Rd.

• Providing intersection improvements for better access to Pine Hills Rd. from cross streets.

• Adding crosswalk marking and detectable warning pads at intersections, cross streets, and driveways.

• Adding a mid-block crossing location to increase safer pedestrian

access between intersections.

• Improving signage to better warn drivers of pedestrian crossing

locations; including adding pedestrian signal at crossing


The project will be conducted in phases, and residents should

expect temporary lane and sidewalk closures. However, access to

businesses and neighborhoods will remain open.

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