June 1st ushered in the official beginning of the 2021 Atlantic Hurricane season. While Central Florida has been spared over the last few years by not being directly impacted by a storm, it is still recommended that all residents be prepared in case this is the year that we are in the path of a storm. While the peak of hurricane season is September 10th, that does not mean you should wait until then to begin preparations. I am sure we all remember the shortage of toilet paper, water, and cleaning supplies at the beginning of the pandemic. The more you prepare now, the more confident you will be and the less you will have to do in case of a pending storm.
Here are some tips to aid in your preparation:
· Store at least 1 gallon of water per day per person.
· You should store at least a two-week supply of water for each member of your family.
· Store foods that your family will enjoy that are also high in calories and nutrition.
· Don't forget to buy non-perishable foods for your pets.
· Avoid foods that have to be cooked which can be difficult to prepare during a disaster.
· Have all of your items packed and ready so that you can grab them quickly in an emergency.
Lastly, be sure to inspect your home for any needed repairs to the roof, doors, windows, and garage doors.